Personally I looked forward with great anticipation to the return of the Greyhawk setting to the TSR line-up. I think you should be deeply suspicious of any reviewer who never has a bad thing to say. If there is any profession where that maxim almost intrinsically does not apply, then it’s reviewing. But I’m also clearly not one of those namby-pambies who think reviewers should adhere to the already dubious maxim that “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. Hopefully, I’ve managed to keep a more balanced head on my shoulders over the years. In fact, you can easily see that some reviewers get so addicted to the hit of ripping into stuff that this becomes all that they do. As a reviewer, there really is something incredibly satisfying about flaying a terrible product. This is the first time I really ripped a product to shreds. The first Greyhawk product since the line was canceled, it suffers from trying to fill the needs of two diametrically opposed extremes. Tagline: Return of the Eight is pathetic.